When I moved to Portland back in 2014 I spent a good amount of time trying to integrate myself in the local music community. I was constantly going to shows to film, take photos, and get to know the artists. I found myself at Twilight to see Nana Grizol and met Rascal who was opening the show. I was blown away by their voice and song writing and immediately knew I wanted to work together in some fashion. Fast forward a handful of years and we made this music video together. I sent Rascal the initial idea and they pushed me to make it better than I could alone. I hope you enjoy and you should check out more of Rascal’s music because its really great.

Starring: Rascal Miles, Grey Evers, Sam Gehrke, Vega Black, and Kalevi Rosehill
Story/Set Design/Art Direction: Rascal Miles, Jordan Henline
Rascal’s Stylist/Hair/Makeup: Grey Evers
Locations: TIPS on Failing, Q Chiropractic, Rascal’s Apartment Seahorse
Art: Leah Wellbaum
Props: Rose City Props, Rascal Miles